


這一集,看得令人想爆粗拆戲院。片頭那段講西門慶和潘金蓮盪秋千,西明慶向潘金蓮擲提子(擲到那裡請自行想像),粒粒都中穴還要粒粒有高潮,咩事呢依家在泰國嗎?雖則OK 好笑但不用擲足十分鐘吧。

後來說到西門慶看中好友妻子李瓶兒,於是設計陷害好友,還要在好友面前誘姦李瓶兒。最爆笑的是,好友竟然好想加入3P 喎!最後,該是谷精上腦中風而死。

劇中新加入的春梅,由梁敏儀飾演。總覺得春梅在西門府格格不入,玩SM 時條條女都脫光光,硬是得春梅有塊布遮住三點,好礙眼。春梅本為西門家女僕,後來因冤枉武松入獄有功,被西門慶收為妾侍。啊,忘了要說說武松。話說當年武松來武大郎家作客時,有晚喝多了酒,昏睡了。於是潘金蓮便潛入武松房意圖不軌。我們一直看她脫武松的衫,無醒;舔他的胸膛,都無醒;直至坐蓮搖搖樂,都無醒!又咩事呢?劇情是如此交代的:隔天武松睡醒後發現和嫂子發生關係,自覺愧對大哥,於是奪門而出一去不返。是隔-天-睡-醒-後-喎!




18 則留言:

Derek 說...


揚眉女子 說...


匿名 說...

哈哈哈哈哈,呢出搞笑片來咖?! 笑死我啦!
救命~ ^^

匿名 說...

horrible, horrible decision, not only wasting money but your time as well. ha ha. I've this problem too and I don't win all the time! I am trying to avoid future Harry Potter's movies but I might well stuck in watching them, the "investment" has been too great. But I say, we watched those books already! Not like the movie will have different story-lines. I say "Save my money, Save my time!" ha ha.

"套大龍鳳駛唔駛做到咁大呀!", 錯字?

揚眉女子 說...


唔係講笑, 真係笑到漂眼淚.


唔甘心, 一定要睇要呻笨既心息.

話時話, 演潘金蓮個架妹真係好假, 訓係度都仲警鐘咁.

Unknown 說...

加燦 提到...
>> Ha ha, absolutely disagree.
Sure you are, cos we are not in the same boat & same level.
p.s. 你的留言 唔使又長又臭 ...
憎你唔知 話你唔好意思...
you talk like an old man

揚眉女子 說...

Good, please... 俾個面...

Unknown 說...

Good, please... 俾個面...


揚眉女子 說...

唔好咁客氣. 你俾面我, 我知架!

篤篤篤撐 說...

但係, 你講到好似好好睇gum wor....

揚眉女子 說...


好笑囉, 不過唔好睇架, D 劇情夾硬到想割蓆.

FlyingMinx 說...

搞到我都好想睇....btw,好多謝你的information many thanks...不過近日我workshop發生大災難, 回南天令到布料濕透有兩件corset發左"mo" 天亡我也~~~~~~

揚眉女子 說...

點會咁架!! 咁可憐!!

新鮮人 說...


揚眉女子 說...

之但係, 男既(個度)爆血, 女既咬竹, 仲點起呀?

揚眉女子 說...

Good, I have to say thanks from the bottom of my heart. It is not just because of your reminder, but also your kindness to me.

匿名 說...

"p.s. 你的留言 唔使又長又臭 ...
憎你唔知 話你唔好意思...
you talk like an old man"


I am an old man. May be you will be forever young.

If you don't like my comment, why can't you show some respect and simply skip my comment? Too much for you?


My comments are meant for you. Stopping is very easy.

揚眉, I can take insults but I don't enjoy them. And I can fight back if I need to but not here because it shows a complete disrespect to you as this is your blog.

Out of respect to you. I will stop commenting. Not that I am afraid of "Good" or anyone. But I see no point making your regular supporters angry at you. And the thought of fighting with them just piss me off.

Sorry 揚眉.

揚眉女子 說...

Sorry to bring you bad feeling in my blog, but i do hope you can continue your comment to me. Every comment you give me, I read it carefully, even it is long and recondite sometimes.

I know somehow Good is kinda direct in his/her words, but I believe he/she doesnt mean to be rude to everyone, but just a kind of expression, a kind of character. I hope you wont put it in mind.

Sorry again.