

在留言處,被tag 中了。

1. What is your name : Venus
2. A four Letter Word : Vail
3. A boy's Name : Vincent
4. A girl's Name : Vann
5. An occupation : Vet
6. A color : Violet
7. Something you'll wear : Victoria's Secret
8. Something you'll do : V-sign
9. A food : Vegetables
10. Something found in the bathroom : Vest
11. A place : Virgin Islands
12. A reason for being late : Valentine calling me
13. Something you'd shout : Very bad!
14. A movie title : V for Vendetta
15. Something you drink : Vodka
16. A musical group : V Music
17. An animal : Vair
18. A street name : Victory Avenue
19. A type of car : Van
20. The title of a song : Victory

咳咳,現在輪到我tag 人喇!

14 則留言:

匿名 說...

V... 好難遮

揚眉女子 說...

頂丫 我都係咁話!!

靜靜雞話你知... 我諗左半個鐘...

不過唔驚啦, 我tag 左你喇~~

Carole 說...

c is not easy neither :P

揚眉女子 說...

哈哈哈哈哈哈!! 好野 好多人陪我!!

匿名 說...


1. What is your name : Vanessa
2. A four Letter Word : Vase
3. A boy's Name : Vince
4. A girl's Name : Venus
5. An occupation : Vet
6. A color : Violet
7. Something you'll wear : Victoria's Secret
8. Something you'll do : V-sign
9. A food : Vegetables
10. Something found in the bathroom : Vibrator...
11. A place : Virgin Islands
12. A reason for being late : Valentine calling me
13. Something you'd shout : Very bad!
14. A movie title : V for Vendetta
15. Something you drink : Virgin Colada
16. A musical group : V Music
17. An animal : Vair
18. A street name : Victory Avenue
19. A type of car : Van
20. The title of a song : Victory

匿名 說...


zoe 說...

我Z呀大佬!邊度有color同sth you'd shout係z字頭!

匿名 說...

5 MINS??

That's Mission Impossible~

Betty 說...


匿名 說...

Took me 25mins....lol



揚眉女子 說...




又係喎, 咁不如你改名??

catstyle ,

莫講5 分鐘, 50 分鐘都未必得.




好同學! 比隻白兔你.

匿名 說...

hahahahaha~~ Poor Zoe~!!! That's too hard....

揚眉女子 說...

zoe 姐已經寫左喇