話說今天下屬忽然問起毫子問題,我們常說遇到些好乞人憎的售貨員,要唱晒些毫子埋單。同事H 說這是犯法的行為,我大驚,連忙舉起食指叮一聲地說:「得!等我問吓先!」即發訊息給友,友回覆以下文字:
只要該等硬幣沒有經過任何受法律禁止的形式處理,即屬作為支付下列款額用途的法定貨幣─ (由1999年第68號第3條修訂)
(a ) 以面額不少於$1的硬幣而言,所支付的款額不超逾$100;
(b ) 以面額少於$1的硬幣而言,所支付的款額不超逾$2。
我不經意地說,無呀啱啱問咗個大狀朋友之嘛!同事問即V 嘩鬼叫。OK,我承認,今天我是著得靚了少少,少少而已,不過已經被串M 形容為「時刻保持最佳狀態」!咩事啫,我只是穿了條蕾絲連衣裙和兩寸高跟鞋,咁啫。
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Hope you have a nice date tonight la.
P.S. Interesting tidbit of legal info here in an entry about your date. (big smile) So this kind of dispute is probably civil law and not something one can call police for help in the normal sense of "犯法". I suspect the sales ladies/gentlemen can legally claim the tons of small changes is only good for up to $100 or $2. Interesting.
P.P.S. It is good to have a barrister as a friend if you have one that is helpful or chasing after you. :)
He also told me it is just a funny law, but no one will treat it seriously, we believe.
Chasing after me? Better not! Honestly, he is not my cup of tea.