

不得不再爆「俊男大狀」的秘史,和翠在MSN 說起這個人,她說妳的朋友好難頂喎!我說是呀,自信心爆棚。佢要的,是樣靚身材正有波有籮有錢有學識有品味又獨立不婚的那種女人,這已經令人髮指人神並憤了,還要更難頂的是,當我串他好渴咩依家,佢說有啲架,我再說頂淨係想溝女,他竟然回答我不是,他是想等女來溝。



2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Ah, may be I shouldn't be bugging 「塵大狀」too much. After all there are way too many lawyer jokes and 「大狀」are humans and have feelings too. :)

I don't know if 「大狀」 are naturally picky but many are very argumentative (occupational hazard?). Now, there are some nice and helpful lawyers too.

Incidentally, both me and my better half think 「陳大狀」is a bit superficial here in his thinking and mindset. OMG, "佢要的,是樣靚身材正有波有籮有錢有學識有品味又獨立不婚的那種女人,... 他是想等女來溝。" Is he 12 years old? No disrespect to 「陳大狀」, with money and some luck, he may find girl(s) that fit his criteria and be "happily ever after". But I wander if his lawyer friends think like him too or is it just him?

揚眉女子 說...

I should say in this way, lawyer is a statusful job in HK, I have to admit. That's why my friend 「塵大狀」is too proud of himself/ too confident on his profession.

And actually it is not strange in nowadays. High quality men(means with money and career) always fall short of demand, so it happens in a vicious circle.

I think he would feel no face due to my opposed words, i didnt give him any room at all!