






14 則留言:

Betty 說...


匿名 說...

I suppose without him saying, you are already going to 著靚啲, right? (smile) But being him, his professionalism got into him and ask you directly. :)

May be you can wear that pair of shoes he gave you as a gift some years ago? On this note, how about wearing this beautiful pair of shoes whenever you can instead of letting it rot in its box? Even shoes' live is short. :)

P.S. You are very passionate with, "我討厭別人常對工作抱怨,既然選擇了一輩子的事業,就好好幹下去吧,最怕人家一面投訴一面又要逼於無奈地屈就。" To me, I just feel saddened for them and won't go as far as "我討厭". I suppose as I get older, I realize it is a luxury and takes tremendous courage to leave a career that one has spent a life time building some expertise in. Under HK's societal norm where the pursuit of monetary success sometimes seem a good enough replacement for pursuit of happiness, it is not an easy feat to start all over from zero.

P.P.S. 小瓶子:
Those are the "low-maintenance" friends.

揚眉女子 說...

當時年紀少, 戀愛大過天, 根本沒在意朋友不朋友. 只是現在回想起來, 才覺難得.

揚眉女子 說...


Oh sorry to say that I already threw away the shoes. And actually I always dress nicely in office.

It is not the 1st time he asked me to, even last time when we dated in 5 years before, every time he said so.

"我討厭", maybe because I am a hot-blooded person, not as gentle as you.

匿名 說...


I shall avoid talking about "Women & shoes" in public as it is a total mystery to me and I will keep it a mystery! :)

My better half always dress nicely in her office too but we think it is fortunate that in Canada, expensive brands are not the office-dress-code like in many offices in HK. Plus she runs her business so she can dress however she like. (smile)

Thinking about it, I have never asked anyone (including my better-half) to 著靚啲!

Ha ha, I am hot-blooded too but just on different matters. I pissed off one of my friends mightily after a few over-the-top words on the Obama administration. Another one of those 大是大非/國家大事 debate that little potato like me has little effect on. :)

揚眉女子 說...

Cool, so your better half is lucky! Sometimes when I dress up in office, it seems too high profile to my colleagues. No fun...

Well, I agree you are hot-blooded after reading your blog. You always talk about 大是大非/國家大事, those are serious to me.

匿名 說...


其實我又好變態地obsessed with某些有obsession的男人,因爲我鍾意flirt人,撩興人地然後一走了之,而有obsession的人通常又會好玩D


匿名 說...



揚眉女子 說...

睇得出妳已經HIGH 晒!

JC 說...


揚眉女子 說...

嘩, 可能係我比佢電死呢...

匿名 說...

親愛的 assenav 小姐,

謝謝您話 "都幾鍾意亞加燦先生講D野" , 雖然您話 "我經常持相反意見" . 沒有問題!

但是我打中文字的速度是 非常 非常 非常 有限. 左查字典, 右"複製 & 粘貼". 打入這段用左16分鐘!


後記: "我打中文字的速度非常有限" 句子 是 從 "師奶筆記" 的 "打中文字" 複製的! (微笑)
後後記: 打入這段用左16分鐘! 你還不如殺了我!!! (微笑)
後後後記: 我可將我的評論打入谷歌,讓谷歌翻譯些垃圾!

匿名 說...


"嘩, 可能係我比佢電死呢..."



後記: I've always maintained that I will pick up French, Spanish, etc so quickly if there is a pretty girl that I want to communicate with.
後後記: Thanks to 親愛的 assenav 小姐, I got to type my first completely Chinese comment!

揚眉女子 說...



火花? 食完上來匯報!