





席間除了亙窒,他還說了不少好仆X 的行內呃錢招數,還有很多好仆X 的案件案例。他說了不下三五十次「我唔排除有呢個可能,而且呢個可能性都唔低」,這句的行貨程度跟差人說「唔係事必要你講」不分伯仲囉!你說,是不是仆X 到要爆粗?頂吖收幾千蚊一日講廢話喎!

7 則留言:

匿名 說...

哈哈,你的律師朋友胃口又大,又愛強調他是「大律師」, nice to have good friend like him that you can 串來串去串足幾粒鐘. (smile) (Hope he is the fun type and doesn't mind me bugging him. )

"他要拿束花來我樓下等"?Why not大他, and say yes? He asked for it. :) (smile) 我希望他明天會送一大束鮮花到您的辦公室。

後記: 下次告訴他在加拿大,事務律師(solicitor)和大律師 (barrister)是相同的。每一個律師也可以到法院訴訟。That will deflate his balloon a little. :)

後後記: 我也想寫跟大律師吃飯。不幸的是,我會寫得好悶好無聊。你的蠻有趣的。

後後後記: Next time try to give him a dollar for his advices. You may get a funny look and a long long explanation of why he can't take your dollar for his advices. :)

Betty 說...


一纳眼以为你讲: 他說他這行要行淫

揚眉女子 說...


Fun type--> Well, he must remember me because I didnt please him at all. Haha!

say yes?--> NO WAY! I dont want to give any wrong msg to him. It is not my type.

deflate his balloon a little--> I did tell him both solicitor and barrister are the same in China, but he kept reminding me he is a Hong Kong Barrister!

寫跟大律師吃飯--> Hey good idea! Just write!

give him a dollar--> Really? Let me try next time!


我初初聽到都諗左一陣, 幾乎想問"咩淫"話?

匿名 說...

You are too 女人 la. Both me and my better half were hoping and wishing you would simply say yes to the flowers. The message to him was the price of his 口花花串串貢 was some beautiful flowers and he delivering them. ha ha.

寫跟大律師吃飯--> Hey good idea! Just write! ==>
Well, here is a 好悶好無聊跟大律師吃飯的故事 just for you and your readers
I cooked a perfectly roasted chicken tonight. My better half didn't want any sign of pink in her half, so I put her chicken right back into the oven and overcooked her half while I enjoyed my perfectly cooked half. This chef was pretty pissed. :)
End of 好悶好無聊跟大律師吃飯的故事.

後記: In my household, if I need legal research, I don't ask my better half for help. I do it myself as I like to joke between the two of us, I am the one that read supreme court of Canada cases for fun.

揚眉女子 說...

So, your better half is... 大律師? Cool!

匿名 說...

ha ha, 好悶好無聊, right? :)

揚眉女子 說...

No... So at least I know most of 大律師 are always picky! (Just joking XD)